Own Your Authority

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We have some gutsy celebrating this week, but first, you can call me FREEDOM from now on. In our GLA monthly career leadership coaching call this week, rather than introduce

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Own Your Authority

Shelf-Esteem to Self-Esteem

  Much like taking a one-a-day multi-vitamin tablet for our body, keeping our mind in good health is needed even more. Saying a positive affirmation on a daily basis, will build

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Own Your Authority

Perfectly Polite Pushback

You may have noticed here in our gutsy village I spend a lot of time teaching professionals on how to become comfortable, being uncomfortable asking for and fully expecting to

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Own Your Authority

How to secure BUY-IN every time

"Every time you speak, you are auditioning for leadership." --James Humes As the year reaches it's final leg,  I have some homework for you; consider it a non-negotiable assignment if you're seeking

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